How to Spend Money Smartly | Aspire Money

Five Ways to Become a Savvy Spender

In previous posts we have mentioned how reviewing your finances can save you money, but it doesn't end there – there are still plenty of simple things you can do to make your income stretch that little bit further as well as saving those all-important pennies:

1. Have a Clear Out

The beginning of the year is the ideal time to have a clear out and get rid of all that unwanted clutter. Don't simply throw it away – put it on eBay or even take it to a car boot sale.

2. Cut Down On Your Energy Use

Simple little things can help you keep the cost of your energy bills down – like not leaving appliances on standby. Turning your thermostat down a little can make substantial savings too – for every degree you lower your thermostat you could save around £50 a year.

3. Be a Fuel Price Expert

The ever increasing price of fuel can leave many of us struggling to fill up our cars each week but you can help to combat this by getting clued up on fuel prices. There are various apps available now to help you search your local area for the cheapest fuel. Try to find a fuel station that is on route to your work or the shops so you're not travelling out of your way to fill up.

4. Get Smart With Your Food Shopping

We're all guilty of impulse buying but to alleviate the risk of dropping unnecessary items into your trolley always go to the supermarket equipped with a list. Make sure it has all the essential items that you need and stick to it! This way you'll spend less money and you'll also find you throw away less food.

5. Think Lunch –Think Homemade

It can be very tempting to buy lunch on the go or grab a coffee in between jobs but all these things can add up. For two weeks keep track of how much you spend on lunch, coffee and that sneaky pint after work – you'll be surprised how much you spend. Switch to packed lunches and see how much you could save!

None of these ideas are particularly difficult to implement into your everyday lives and you'll soon see how easily you can free up some funds.

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