What do Children's Hobbies Cost? | Aspire Money

Pastimes with a price tag: Are UK children’s favourite hobbies putting parents under pressure?

Extra-curricular activities are vital to our children’s health and wellbeing, and play a key role in the everyday lives of many British families. However, hobbies can be an expensive business, with lessons, kit and equipment, and even competitions, all now part and parcel of the price tag which comes with children partaking in their favourite activities.

But how much are children’s hobbies really costing UK households? Are parents feeling the pressure when it comes to spending more and more money on their children’s hobbies? And does our age, where we live, and influences such as other parents and our child’s school play a role in how much we’re willing to spend?

At Aspire Money, we want to help make life more affordable for our customers, and so we asked 2,000 UK parents about their children’s hobbies and how much they’re really costing.

The results were surprising! And you can read some of the highlights of our research in our summary infographic, including:

  • The most expensive children’s hobbies in the UK
  • The average difference in expenditure between boys and girls
  • The regions of the UK in which parents are spending the most and the least on their children’s hobbies
  • The significance of pressure from other parents and the child’s school in influencing parents’ spending

You can download the infographic, Pastimes with a price tag: Are UK children’s favourite hobbies putting parents under pressure? in full here.

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